Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Birthers, another group of morons worring about a non-issue

Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie was in the news recently due to his statement that it will be a priority of his office to quiet claims of birthers. Birthers for those who do not know, are conspiracy theorists who believe that President Obama was born in Kenya rather than Hawaii. Such a group represents a fringe group which should be ridiculed in the same manner of 9/11 conspiracy theorists, but for the new Hawaii governor, they are a priority and must be silenced.

Sigh. As anyone who has read my blog will know, I am no fan of the President and his policies. He pushed through a health care reform policy that the country did not want. He and his democratic allies quadrupled spending and have added around 7 trillion to the debt in just two short years. He has made half hearted decisions in the war in Afghanistan and flat out undercut our efforts there by announcing a July 2011 withdrawal date, his foreign policy has been a joke and unemployment for Americans remains around 10%. Add to this his denouncement of Republicans as hostage takers during the tax compromise and we have a two-faced weasel as President with skin as thick as a dime.

I could go on and on and have spent plenty of blogs stating the many reasons that I do not like the way this man or his party ran my country during their two years of unprecedented power. The one thing I did not do denounce the man or speculate on where he was born. It's a non issue and a waste of time. Why the hell would anyone want to waste time debating someone dumb enough to believe Obama was born outside of Hawaii is beyond me, there are far more pressing issues that deserve coverage today. Also, what does it matter where he was born? Did he not grow up in Hawaii? Did he not attend college at UCLA? Was he not a community organizer in Chicago for a number of years before running for office? Does he even speak with a foreign accent?

No, he does not speak with a foreign accent and yes, all the other statement above are correct. If his birth was an issue the time to raise such a concern would have been during the Presidential election in 2008. Even then when the short form, or his certificate of live birth were issued it should have died, but conspiracy theorists being what they are, idiots, it has not completely died out and in fact has been given new life by a moronic Hawaii governor who deems that it needs to be "put to rest" once and for all.

Folks, with the new year approaching I encourage you to ignore these non-issues and instead ask you congressional representatives to focus on matters more important facing the nation, such as the passage of a budget for the current fiscal year. Tell them it's time to reign in spending, not reign in birthers.


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