Recently the supreme court, in a case similar to DC V Heller, struck down a hand gun ban in Chicago in McDonald V Chicago. The vote on this case, again like two years ago, was split down the middle 5-4 with the court deciding that the second amendment allows individuals the right own firearms and that no form of government may take this right away.
WOW, amazing right? Truly revolutionary, or at least that's probably what our founding fathers were thinking when they made it the second amendment in the bill of rights. Those would be the same bill of rights that all states across the U.S. made clear would be required for them to ratify the constitution. You see they were concerned that without such a bill of rights a government might start to take their individual rights away. Those crazy overreacting colonists, like THAT could ever happen.
Anyway, what I wrote above any person with a high school diploma who has attended a basic US History course could tell you. It's that simple to understand that the second amendment is an individual right and yet for the second time in TWO years 4 very highly educated supreme court justices have answered in the negative when asked what the second amendment. In both cases it has been made clear that the four dissenting justices are applying their own personal views to how they will make their judgements with goes beyond their responsibilities as judges, which is simply to interpret and uphold the constitutionality of our system of government. Their actions have left us with a dangerous situation where if they acquire one more vote like them they have gone from a neutral arbitrating body to one that effectively is seeking to set policy and write laws themselves.
Folks, this is not something that should be taken lightly. If we as a country think it is unwise for people to own firearms than we have the option of repealing the second amendment through our representatives. THAT is the proper channel to make such a change and our constitution is set up as such to prevent government tyranny over individual liberty. When a Supreme Court has such a hard time making such an easy call as to what the hell the second amendment is we are very close to finding ourselves in a situation where that safety net the founding fathers gave us is now gone. I urge all that hear this to write to your local papers and your representatives making it clear that this kind of conduct from judges on this countries high court is simply not acceptable.
Why is any of it so difficult? Because, as Nitaka Kruschev said..."we will destroy you from within..."