Sunday, July 18, 2010

NAACP plays the race card against the Tea Party. Really?

Recently the NAACP passed a resolution against the tea party condemning what it stated where racist elements within the tea party. Shortly after it was passed Ben Jealous, President and CEO of the NAACP stated "Expel the bigots and racists in your ranks or take the responsibility for them and their actions. We will no longer allow you to hide like cowards.'' Wow, how civil and open minded of the man.

Now lets get one thing straight. The Tea Party movement was founded on a belief in responsible government and as a reaction to the policies of the Obama administration which many Americans disagree with. While I have yet to see any supposed "racist" signs at any pictures of this rally I will proceed with the assumption that they are there somewhere on the outskirts of these events as more of a fringe element. Now most people will acknowledge that you have a few "crazies" and the fringe at just about any event, family, or organization and that they, the fringe, are to be considered representative of the movement as a whole. In fact in one interview with a NAACP rep he acknowledged that yes, they know it's just the far out fringe and that the Tea Party has little to no involvement in that part of their ideology, but gosh all the NAACP really wants is for some leader of the Tea Party, whomever that may be since it's a grassroots movement, to come forward and denounce these activities.

The accusation here is nothing more than a red herring and so far as I can see those who are identified as part of the Tea Party movement have done the right thing in calling it what it is and refusing to bow to the needs of some thin skinned race baiters. Let them go pound sand and shout to the heavens in indignation for all conservatives care. We will not bow down and ask forgiveness for a sin we have not committed no apologize for a wrong in which members of the NAACP organization acknowledge there is no proof of. If there is to be a discussion between conservatives in the tea party and the NAACP than it should center around the issues of fiscal responsibility. Sit down at a table and talk over these differences and see if some common ground may be found and the tea party will find a way to gain a more diverse crowd at their rallies. The first thing that will need to happen though is the NAACP will need to rescind their resolution condemning these elements because such a measure undermines any effort by either organization towards mutual respect.

Only when the rights of both are respected despite differing political views can progress be made in national dialogue in this country. No greater example of the good that such a dialogue can bring can be found in our own founder father's debate and discussion over the union of our great country. If the best of mankind can find that out and work together over the petty politicians this world will be a great place. Till than it will be the same snipes and gripes that do nothing but keep us all down and worse yet, divided.



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