Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Obama Adminstration's Lawsuit against Arizona

Recently it became known that the Obama administration has decided to file a federal lawsuit challenging Arizona's recently passed immigration law on the grounds that enforcing immigration is a federal responsibility and not a state one. On a personal note this is disappointing because IMO, this is a "issue" that should have been dead and gone inside of a week. The other thing that is very disappointing is that this lawsuit will likely be unsuccessful, which the Obama administration knows, but they will waste the federal dollars anyway in an obvious ploy meant to rally the liberal base and distract from Obama's sinking poll numbers.

Talking about the Arizona law as an issue, the first thing that many opponents yelped about was that it would lead to the targeting of a certain group of people. Following up on this these same proponents of inactivity made inaccurate statements that this would lead the Arizona police to likely just walk up and ask any random Hispanic about their legal status. Even President Zero made this mistake when he lamented how some Latino grandfather who has lived in the US his whole life could now take this grandkids out for some icecream and be subject to harassment should the gestapo Arizona PD feel the need to "check up" on the old man.

The truth is that the Arizona law only allows for local police to check into a person's legal immigration status provided that the person is already subject to arrest and their is reasonable suspicion on the police officer's part that the person is an illegal. So the old Latino grandfather and take heart. Unless he has robbed a bank to pay for that expensive ice cream the dreaded Arizona local PD cannot just randomly question him or his grand kids.

The truth above is easily found by those that look into the law, but those that oppose it have and likely will maintain the position already mentioned about the poor immigrant now being a target in Arizona. It is unfortunate that the truth does not matter in this instance, but when dealing with the masses you need to make radical comparisons to the worst case possible scenarios, and as in this example, even lie in order to draw out opposition or support on a issue. For anyone who actually looks at the law there is no basis for this opposition which is likely why the Obama administration's lawsuit was over federal responsibilities and not over any supposed discriminatory practices by the Arizona state government.

Even so the lawsuit is likely to fail. Even though it is the federal government's responsibility to set up immigration laws it is up to the states to decide how best to enforce these laws. The only way this lawsuit would have a chance for success is if the law allowed for Arizona to create a different immigration process different from the federal government. Since it only allows for the state to enforce federal laws already in place there is little basis for this lawsuit. IMO the obama administration knows this and this is nothing more than a political ploy on their part in which they hope this lawsuit will serve to rally the liberal base in boost Obama in the polls after consistent sinking in the face of the oil spill in the gulf. In the end this will be just another waste of tax dollars all thanks to a couple of liberal morons who don't even take the time of day to read and understand the law they oppose.

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