Wednesday, April 14, 2010

only a liberal deals in absolutes

Todays tittle brought to you by the good folks of Star Wars. I hope they don't mind me borrowing one of there lines.

Anyway, it's been awhile so now is the time to post some random musings of which you may or maynot gain some intelletual stimulization or consitpation from.

As we all know, President zero and the rest of the brain squad recently forced through healthcare despite the clear "no" that the public had sent them for months. In dealing with arguing the finer points on what to do with the healthcare system most conservatives got reaquainted with an old truth about liberals, and that is that if you do not agree ver batum with exactly their line of thought, than you are evil, ignorant, apathetic, a blight on humanity, or some combination of the four. For example, If you did not vote for President Obama and if you did not support his nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for the supreme court than despite the soundness of your reasoning, you probably just a racist to some liberals.

With the healthcare debate the tactic seems to have been by most knee jerk libs to claim that if you oppose the healthcare bill than you do not care about the uninsured and that you do not care about "people who will die in the streets." Often times when prodded to state how the healthcare bill will make this better you usually get some rambling, mostly incoherrant bit about holding insurance companies responsible and forcing them to not deny coverage. When pointed out that this will not lessen the rates and actually may raise it as companies seek to make up the added cost for doing business you usually get a shrug or a non response. If you suggest that people who are happy with their current coverage offered by their business will now lose it as those same business's seek to adjust to a government that taxes them more and so they move to a bare minimum option that the government ok's you again get a shrug of indifference from the compassionate leftists.

In january Obama in his hopes to gain support for the healthcare bill and to marginalize Republican opposition invited them to a open press conference in which both parties could offer ideas on reform. After zero's stunt backfired and Republicans gained more support, rather than seek to adopt the changes that Republicans called for or to scratch the plan all together and start fresh as the country and the Republicans stated would be the best option, zero pushed ahead because gosh darn it, he knows better than your just a dummy who doesn't get it.

In the coming election zero has dared Republicans to "go for it" in campaigning for the november elections on a repeal healthcare ticket. Clearly the plan here will be to charge that once again that Republicans want to take away "your healthcare" and let people die in the streets. Frankly, this thing needs to be taken down and quickly because if it's allowed years to take root and feaster there will be enough of a class of Americans dependent on this corrupt system that they will buy into it the same way they buy into the "republicans want to take your social security, abortions rights, minority rights" away.

In the end this is the liberal way. They deal in absolutes and there will be no room for discussion while they are still a majority in the house.

-P.S. A note to those that want to run Dem rep Bart Stupak through the mud for his compromise on healthcare i say lighten up. The man is a Dem who held up healthcare for about a month and his steadfast determination will keep federal funds from going to support abortions. The man was placed in an awkward position where lesser politicians would yield to party pressure and instead gave us one positive in this bill so lets show some class and not make this man a target as the tea party for whatever reason appears to want to do.


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