Saturday, February 6, 2010

A caution to Republicans counting victories 10 months early

I am more and more amazed as I listen to folks like Sean Hannity and other conservatives who seem absolutely certain in a massive conservative, read Republican, victory in the November elections later this year. Those elections are ten months away, so much in the political landscape can change from now to than that is seems the definition of foolishness to me to talk of victory as a forgone conclustion.

I also tend to think that it's a turn off for average Americans to hear Republicans talk of this gives me and others the impression that they are more interested in exploiting Democrates political weakness rather than attempt to govern and represent as they were elected to do. It isn't hard for me to imagine that the Dem label of the Republican party as the "party of no" starting to stick with time for the political pendulum to swing back in their direction. Now is the time to rather take advantage of a public who will be much more receptive to hearing Republican alternatives. It is time for Republicans to take a part in healthcare reform and bring down the cost of the bill while enacting free market reforms that will actually have an impact in lowering healthcare costs such as tort reform and expanind health insurance coverage across state lines. It is time to start our other narritive and let it stand because it is that, more than anything, that will bring Republicans and a Republican form of government back to where it should be.

A short post, but it's been a somewhat dull week in politics.


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