Friday, December 28, 2012

Mitt Romney Earns "Lie of the Year" from Politifac

In yet another example of the kind of slant you can only get from liberal news organizations, politifac gave Mitt Romney its "lie of the year" award.  He got it for his claim Jeeps were being made in China.....

That's it, that's the "lie of the year."

Forget when Harry Reid accused Romney of not paying taxes in over ten years. No, that wasn't that big. It certainly wasn't that much of a big deal since Harry felt comfortable enough to then move on to call Romney a poor example for the Mormon faith. Nothing wrong with that either I guess.

Forget when Obama's campaign manager Stephanie Cutter stated Romney could be guilty of a felony. No, that's not that bad either. Heck, a few weeks later when President Obama faced the press he was asked point blank about this accusation and it's effect on the "tone" of the campaigns. Obama's response "well, lets be clear, no one has said Romney is a felon." BTW, there was no follow up on this false statement from the President. Nope, Cutter's remarks and Obama's false statement later are not that bad.

It's not even that bad when an Obama Superpac put out an ad accusing Romney of causing a woman's death from cancer. The ad featured a man who had been laid off by a company purchased from Bain Capital. His wife still had a job, but lost it a few years later herself. Still a few years later she unfortunately was diagnosed with cancer and ended up passing away. No, that wasn't the lie of the year either.

The lie of the year..... was Romney when he stated Jeeps are being made in China.... Are you friggin kidding me?

Here's the link to the news story.

NY Newspaper publishes names of gun owners

A newspaper is "naming names" of all those who own firearms and where they live in two counties, so far, in New York.

I guess openly creating a list and seeking to turn neighbor against neighbor is "cool" again.  This is especially amusing considering how much the liberals despise Senator Joseph McCarthy for his investigations into citizens for unamerican activities and ties to communism.

I can't speak for all gun owners, but I can say I have no issue with my name and location being published and it being known that I am a gun owner.  I think the more it's known I keep a gun where I live, the less likely it will be that I'm targeted by criminals or would be thugs.

A blogger has responded though, and published the home locations for the editors and journalists responsible for this as well. What's good for the goose I guess.
Thousands of critics – including some journalism professionals – have weighed in. And at least one blogger has retaliated by publishing the names and addresses of editors and executives at the Journal News, the publication headquartered in White Plains, N.Y., north of New York City and part of the Gannett organization.
Still, the Journal News is not backing down. Editors say they’ll publish information on handgun owners in a third county (Putnam) once county officials have responded to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that resulted in tens of thousands of names and addresses in Westchester and Rockland Counties.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

What Would W. Do?

We now have 30 days left until the fiscal cliff is reached and the country faces severe repercussions for Washington's failure to come to a budget compromise.  While the President should feel emboldened by being re-elected, I am shocked at the offer he recently gave Republicans.  It wasn't just that he wanted more taxes than he had pushed for while campaigning, that is to be expected.  It wasn't just that he wanted an immediate approval of 80 billion dollars in stimulus spending for the "infrastructure" the guy's a spender, this request would be expected.  It wasn't even his request to put off sequestration for a year, that was troubling, but it would be easy to take that off the table if both sides could simply come to an agreement.

No, what was really troubling was his request to have sole authority to raise the debt ceiling without congress' approval.... forever.  Basically, the man talked of a need for a "balanced" approach to solving the fiscal cliff after the election, but he wants to be able to spend perpetually with no more oversight?  That kinda takes away all balance and puts all the control into one mans hands.  The offer was shocking and frankly, could not be taken seriously.

And so now, here again we find ourselves, less than 30 days out, and rather than stay in Washington and meet with Republicans to talk over the deal, the President went to a rally in Pennsylvania where he implored republicans to accept the deal and not hold the American people "hostage."  This is a term he often uses, and remember this is what he did, he went to hold a rally, and demonize the other side... 30 days out.

That got me thinking about how President Bush handled his parties defeat in the 2006 mid-term elections which saw democrats take control of both houses of Congress.  President Bush signaled a willingness to work with both sides, and had a considerable amount of praise for then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the 2007 State of the Union.  When it came to the budget he and the GOP worked with the dems, giving them most of what the wanted and still passing a budget.

That brings us back to today.  What would W. do about the fiscal cliff?  In the past President Bush accepted his parties defeat in 2006 and he worked across the aisle.  He didn't run off to hold rally and he didn't hold rallies against democrats.  He was elected to help run the country, and he did.  So it is then reasonable to assume he would do the same now.  At least that's my observation.

What will President zero do?  My guess is more of the same, but unless he takes both the debt raising clause and putting off sequestration, off the table, no deal will be reached and the unfortunate victims of this political miscarriage will be the American People.
